August 2024 Corporate Services Update

Reaching for Our Vision: Updating Our Comprehensive Community Plan

Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) is excited to announce the update of our Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP), titled “Reaching for Our Vision.”

The last update to our Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) was in 2020, and we’ve successfully achieved many of the goals we set back then. Refreshing the CCP every five years or so is essential to ensure it aligns with our community’s current needs, vision, and future direction. Updating the plan also allows us to evaluate our progress and create new work plans for the Nation’s various departments, helping us keep moving forward.

The CCP is a grassroots plan driven by our members’ ideas and vision. To make this plan a success, we need input from all members, both on and off-reserve, about how you envision our Nation’s future. We need your ideas to shape the CCP and guide our Nation’s future!

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