About Fort Nelson First Nation

A Nation, A People – Strong, Healthy, Proud, Self-reliant
“For as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the rivers flows”

We are the “People of the Land” and have occupied the lands of northeast of British Columbia for tens of thousands of years. Our people speak the Dené and Cree languages and have a deep connection to the land. We were, and still are, hunters and gatherers and our people moved around the territory with the seasons and animals that sustained our way of life and livelihood.

Our people came from different areas of the territory. Fort Nelson was not FNFN’s original home. The Old Fort, on the banks of the Fort Nelson River, was just where FNFN came to trade furs and purchase goods at the Hudson Bay Post.

Our people came from different areas of the territory: Nelson Forks, Francois, Pretty Hill, Deer River, Snake River, Kotcho, Fontas, Kahntah and Moose Lake. Some of our relatives even came from as far away as Alberta and the Northwest Territories, and they were adopted into our Nation by our elders. Chief Jimmie Badine and Headman Tommy Whitehead signed our adhesion to Treaty No. 8 on August 15, 1910 at the Old Fort. The 1910 Treaty talks affirmed FNFN’s rights to our traditional lands and ways of life “for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the rivers flow.” In the spirit of our Treaty of peace, sharing and co-existence, we welcome others to our territory with the expectation that they will respect our lands, our ways and the intent of our Treaty.

FNFN did not get our “reserve” until the early 1960’s, (50 years after signing our Treaty) at which time most of us were moved to “Mile 295″ of the Alaska Highway. At that time, some of our families remained and continued to live on the land where their families had lived for generations.

FNFN has just over 700 members and 10 reserves. Our total reserve land base is 9556.5 hectares. IR #2 is the largest and is located at Mile 295 off the Alaska Highway. This is our main reserve and home to about half of our population. There are about 160 houses on IR #2. Facilities include an administration office, justice department, Chalo school, daycare/headstart, lands office, adult learning centre, health centre, cultural arbor and capital works. We also have reserves at Fontas, Kahntah, Snake River, Moose Lake, Francois and Maxhamish Lake.

Many generations of our men, women and children have lived and thrived in this area. FNFN has a commitment and obligation to care for and protect our rights, our lands, our waters, our animals and the whole ecosystem for future generations.

Click here to read more & to view an interactive map.

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